Your Relationship Isn’t Doomed… At Least It Doesn’t Have To Be

This Proven Method Will Completely Transform Your Relationship

The key to turning things around is to break through all the misconceptions and BS that we learn about relationships that cause a lot of damage and issues… but don’t worry - this isn’t going to require difficult conversations or rehashing of the past.

An Open Letter To All Couples Struggling To Make It Work:

If every conversation ends in an argument and each day you feel pushed even further apart… this is the most important letter you’ll ever read.

Developing and maintaining a healthy relationship is one of the most common struggles people face.

I don’t need to give you any statistics because I’m pretty sure you already know that divorce rates are currently sky high.

When relationships are pushed to their limits day-in and day-out, it’s no wonder couples can’t - or don’t want to - find a way to make it work.

After a long day, neither of you want to spend your downtime working on your relationship.

But Here’s The Good News…

A healthy relationship doesn’t have to be difficult to achieve.

When you have the right tools, the right guidance, and the right understanding it’s quite easy to create effortless shifts that completely transform your existing relationship into one that is supportive, uplifting, and fulfilling - for BOTH of you.

Things CAN be different.

Here’s why I know that to be true, even for the two of you…

Let’s set aside the fact that I’ve personally helped thousands of couples transform their relationships and feel truly connected again (even those that seemed past the point of no return) using my methods.

Through the process of doing that, I realized one glaring similarity between all of the couples I worked with:

They all received overwhelmingly complicated advice that was impossible to introduce AND maintain on a daily basis.

And here’s why… 

None Of Us Took A Class On Creating & Sustaining Connection With A Partner…

It’s not your fault.

And it’s not your partner’s, either.

We haven't been taught how to build a relationship from the ground up. We've been taught how to build them from the top down.

Let me tell you, building them from the top down is hard, complicated and feels like one step forward, one step backwards.

Focusing on the past, communication, and solving problems is top down.

Learning how to build goodwill, to stop overthinking and walking on eggshells is the bottom up.

What you will learn in Relatable is unlike anything you have heard or learnt before.

No more complicated techniques that feel unnatural and don't make sense.

But that's all about to change.

My Program Will Show You & Your Partner How To:

  • Navigate your relationship with genuine ease
  • ​Feel empowered no matter how the other person is behaving
  • ​​Stop analysing, overthinking, and worrying about what other people are saying or doing
  • ​​Navigate emotional highs and lows without the drama
  • ​​Communicate from a place of clarity and conviction
  • ​Enjoy more intimacy and a deeper sense of connection with each other
  • ​​Know when it's time to talk and when it's time to leave it for another time

My Name Is Fiona Lukeis...

I've been a leading coach, mentor, and facilitator in the personal and professional development field for more than a decade, developing and facilitating programs and events right across Australia and overseas.

I've always been fascinated by the way we relate, connect, and understand one another, and I've worked with hundreds of individuals and couples to help simplify and transform their relationships.

Let me tell you why it’s time to… 

Throw Out Everything You Thought You Knew About Relationships

Put aside everything you’ve been told about how relationships work…

Put aside the thought that they’re hard or confusing…

And all the advice you’ve been given from friends and family (yes, even your grandparents that have been together for 50 years!).

It’s time to see something different - to see yourself and your partner differently…

Because there is a way to easily and effortlessly reconnect with your partner for good.

The real problem isn’t about working harder, checking things off a list, or memorising what to say or do… 

It’s about creating effortless, lasting, transformational change ALL by gaining a deeper understanding of relationships and looking in a different direction.

My Relatable program will walk you through how to apply the simple, easy methods you learn so your relationship can evolve beyond where it is today.

Best of all, this program...

Can Apply To Any Relationship In Your Life

Imagine every relationship in your life improving - not just the one between you and your partner.

The tools you’ll both be equipped with can positively affect your relationships with coworkers, friends, family members, children… you name it.

Although your partnership is top priority, the understanding you’ll both receive about human interaction will effortlessly seep into the other parts of your lives - for GOOD!

When you start going through the process, here’s what will happen:

First, you’ll replace your current understanding of relationships with one that is all-encompassing, simple, and empowering.

This is crucial because it lays the foundation for reconnection with each other.

The next thing that’ll happen is this:

You Will See Your Relationship In An Entirely New Light

The frustration, anger, and confusion you feel toward each other after months (or years) of contention will soften.

You’ll see each other in a new way.

You’ll see yourselves in a new way.

And the subtle, simple shifts in perspective will transform the way you communicate in your relationship.

Now, let’s talk about...

Exactly What You’re Getting

Relatable is different because it's simple, easy, and effortless. 

It doesn't require huge effort, difficult conversations, or massive, confronting change. 

It's a subtle, easy shift in perspective and understanding that is seriously transformative.

And you’ll immediately see a change not only in how you perceive yourselves but also your relationship.

Here's What You'll Get:

The Foundations

In Module 1 you'll discover the little known superpower behind relationships and why this is the leverage point for turning them around every single time...

No matter who you are in relationship with.

This will change everything that you think you know about relationships on its head. So you can really show up the way you want to without the debilitating, stress, overwhelm, anger and frustration so many people live with each day. 


  • All about our psychological immune system
  • The thought-feeling connection, what it is and how it works
  • How we are perfectly designed and hard-wired for love
  • ​A simple and easy way to create change (without rehashing the past)
At the end of this module, you'll have learned how having an understanding of the mind is the foundation for effortless change in every area of your life. This understanding is the superpower behind relationships and is the leverage point for turning them around.

Where Do Feelings Come From

You'll discover the HUGE misunderstanding about the role feelings play in our day-to-day lives which is the cause of so much unnecessary grief and angst… 
So you can easily navigate your and your partner’s feelings with a sense of ease (yes it is possible), calm, and empowerment, no matter the situation.
This is life changing when it comes to your relationship with yourself and with others.


  • Why trying to control your emotions is the worst thing you can do
  • ​The traffic light system and how it helps us navigate our moods and the moods of others
  • ​What low feelings are actually telling you
  • ​​How to stay calm and less reactionary in difficult moments
At the end of this module, you'll have a completely different understanding of how feelings work. This knowledge is life changing when it comes to our relationship with ourselves and with others.


You'll discover why problem solving is not the answer when it comes to improving your relationship, and how to transcend your problems through a simple understanding.
You will also discover an easy how to get over yourself so you can create goodwill NO matter WHAT the situation.
This skill is invaluable in every single relationship in your life. Parenting your children, dealing with work colleagues, family members, take this skill with you everywhere.


  • Why dissatisfaction is such a big problem in our relationships
  • ​The danger of normalising unhealthy feelings and behaviours
  • ​The faster your head is going, the more dissatisfied you will feel
  • ​​​The gift of choice and how to recognise it
At the end of this module, you'll have learned why the space you show up from is everything and how to identify and deal with dissatisfaction and emotional reactions.


You'll learn all about the power of deeply listening when it comes to connection.
Listening is one of the most valuable things you can bring to the table in a relationship.
And the truth is most people are poor listeners, which is a huge cause of disconnect and relationship breakdown.


  • Why most people are poor listeners
  • ​How to listen for impact
  • ​The barrier of a busy mind
  • ​​​​How to have a meeting of the minds with anyone
At the end of this module, you'll have a deeper understanding of the power of listening, be able to identify when you are listening well, and why this is the KEY to connecting with anyone.

Conflict & Problem Solving

You'll discover why focusing on your relationship problems is not the answer when it comes to making your relationship better.
Building a history of dealing with conflict well is critical in any relationship and for most people this is the vital missing piece between a relationship that struggles and one that thrives.
Discover exactly how to handle conflict without the power struggle so you can create that history and watch your relationship with yourself and others go to a whole new and unimaginable level.


  • What a negative thought spiral is and how to navigate one
  • ​Differences are not the reason why relationships break down
  • ​How to handle conflict without the power struggle
  • ​​​​​How to take things less personally and get over things quickly
At the end of this module, you'll have learned how to resolve conflict and feel empowered no matter who you're dealing with.

Letting Love In

You'll learn how easy it is to let love in. How we innocently shut this out in our day-to-day lives, how much this costs us and why it matters so much in the way we relate to everything around us. 
Discover how to create and foster goodwill and partnership so you can live you life and navigate your relationships with less on your mind, create effortless connection and feel good no matter what is going on around you.
This is where you get to experience true emotional freedom.


  • The role of goodwill, what it is and why it matters so much in relationships
  • ​Upset feelings are nothing more than temporary feelings of insecurity
  • ​Intimacy is more than physical
  • ​​​​​​The two pillars of partnership and how you can be in partnership with anyone
  • ​​Shutting down - what are you defending?
At the end of this module, you'll have learned how your ability to let love in has nothing to do with the past, how to create goodwill and the importance of partnership.

Relatable Round-up (Bonus Module!)

This is a sneaky bonus module I added where everything you have been learning all falls into place (if it hasn't already).
This final week brings everything together, so you can relish in and enjoy your newfound understanding of creating, EASY, EFFORTLESS RELATIONSHIPS with absolutely anyone.

Here's What To Do Next

This program costs just $3,997.

As soon as you place your order, you'll get immediate access to the first module course materials.


6 Payments of



Single Payment of



3 or 6 Payments of



Single Payment of


PLUS, if you place an order within the next 24 hours, you’ll also get…


Eight weekly Live Calls - Let me be your coach; I'll be on hand to answer all your questions. This is an invaluable part of the program. All calls are recorded, so you can access everything later, too!

Value $1600


Private members only Facebook Group - This is one of the best bonuses because you get to be a part of an incredible, worldwide community! People are continually amazed by the shared wisdom, love, and support that is available in this group. I regularly have members telling me they have made lifelong friends and connections and that the Relatable FB community has become a second family for them.

Value: Priceless


Two bonus mini programs:
Program 1: Expectations.
Program 2: Forgiveness.
I created these 2 mini-programs specifically for my Relatable students so you can have the most optimal chances of relationship success. These are the most common misunderstood areas that couples tend to get stuck on.

Value: $194


Summaries, Exercise and Cheat Sheets.
Download these to reference and deepen your understanding of the course materials even faster!

Value: $77


Extensive library of previous live call recordings

These recordings are invaluable and packed with gold nuggets I couldn’t fit into the course.

Value $500
Oh, and in case you're wondering…

Yes, This WILL Work For You, Too!

This same process has helped hundreds of past clients in all different types of situations and relationships… parents, no kids, empty nesters, couples together less than a decade… doesn’t matter.

That’s because these tools are simple and easy to incorporate into your relationship and are grounded in human psychology, meaning that once you learn how human’s work, things will effortlessly fall into place.

The Cost Of This Program Is $3,997...But How Much Would It Cost NOT To Get It?

It depends if you want to measure it in happiness, money, or time.

Certainly, the happiness you’d both experience from an evolved relationship with each other would far outweigh this investment.

Measuring it financially, the answer is obviously “substantially more,” whether you consider the cost of divorce, splitting assets, or both.

And whether you think about the time you’ve already lost unhappy in your relationship or the countless years ahead hoping for change… isn’t it worth taking this chance to create the partnership you’ve both been wanting?
And, of course, the program is…

Risk-Free With The Relatable 15-Day Money-Back Guarantee

You and your partner have 15 days to check the program out and decide if it's the right fit for you. 

If after 15 days, having attended and participated in the live weekly calls and completed the first module exercises, you feel the program is not for you, I will happily refund your money.

How's that for fair?

You Don’t Have To Wait Any Longer Or Try To Figure This Out On Your Own

Click the button below to order your copy today so you can discover what’s truly possible for your relationship. 

I appreciate you taking the time to read this letter and wish you clarity, confidence and happiness!

~ Fiona Lukeis
P.S. Just in case you’re like me and skip to the end of these letters, here's the deal:

I'm offering you and your partner a program that contains 7 value-packed modules to help you reconnect and transform your relationship simply and easily.

The program is $3,997.

When you purchase the program within the next 24 hours, you’ll also receive 5 bonuses FREE with your order:

BONUS 1: Eight weekly Live Calls - Let me be your coach; I'll be on hand to answer all your questions. This is an invaluable part of the program. All calls are recorded, so you can access everything later, too! ($1600 value)

BONUS 2: Private members only Facebook Group - This is one of the best bonuses because you get to be a part of an incredible, worldwide community! People are continually amazed by the shared wisdom, love, and support that is available in this group. I regularly have members telling me they have made lifelong friends and connections and that the Relatable FB community has become a second family for them. (value: priceless)

BONUS 3: Two bonus mini-programs, Expectations & Forgiveness - I created these 2 mini-programs specifically for my Relatable students so you can have the most optimal chances of relationship success. These are the most common misunderstood areas that couples tend to get stuck on. ($194 value)

BONUS 4: Summaries, Exercises, & Cheat Sheets - Download these to reference and deepen your understanding of the course materials even faster! ($77 value)

BONUS 5: Extensive library of previous live call recordings - These recordings are invaluable and packed with gold nuggets I couldn’t fit into the course. ($500 value)

That’s $2371 in bonus content FREE!

Plus, the program comes with a 15-day money-back guarantee.

Click here to sign up now. You won't regret it.
“Since seeing Fiona, things between my husband and I are going nicely and slowly, we are doing things differently now. We are making efforts to be kind to each other and prioritizing time spent with each other, we are consciously correcting mistakes with each other, so life has become very peaceful and very calm, which is nice. We are putting our energy into creating so much goodwill that our problems become easier to talk about or cease to exist. We are having many more good feeling times than not, now; which means we are heading in the right direction. Because things have become nice between us we have fixed some issues really easily because it is becoming easy to talk to each other and we have a very clear eye on the prize, (being happy together). Thank you Fiona - working with you has truly saved our marriage!”
- Sherston and Paul Chaplin - Brighton Victoria
“In three short months, Fiona has guided me towards total transformation within, so much so, that friends, family and colleagues have all noticed a significant difference in me on all levels and more importantly, I am now a much more empowered human being with the awareness of self to now live my life consciously and purposefully, in touch with my inner wisdom and guidance. No matter what challenge in life you feel you have faced, do face now or may face, Fiona can absolutely guide you through and beyond it in ways you never thought possible.”
- Michael Lauria - Melbourne
“Perhaps the most profound impact that Fiona has had on my life is through her work with my partner. My partner worked with Fiona’s with the intention of reconciling our relationship. Fiona’s assistance helped to facilitate a reconciliation between my partner and I, for which I am tremendously grateful. We are now so much better equiped to deal with the ups and downs and are far more resourceful when we experience problems. Fiona really helped us to save our relationship. Thank you so very much Fiona!”
- Tricia Musto
“After meeting Fiona several years ago when doing my initial coaching training, I knew she was someone who I wanted to work with again. Little did I know, when we reconnected several years later what a journey she had been on as a coach and how much more she had developed to help so many people live and lead more fulfilling lives. I loved every session with her and always felt a deeper sense of calm afterwards. She was always patient, loving and very intuitive throughout the sessions. She deepened my understanding about the gifts of thought, consciousness and universal mind. With this understanding a couple of things opened up... for one the beauty of life sparkles more brightly and the everyday miracles get noticed a little more. Also, the roller coaster of life, feels a lot smoother. There are still ups and downs, but the purpose of her work is not to eliminate the contrasts that are life itself, but more so to lessen the grip and resistance to anything that shows up, so everything just feels a little easier. She is a gift, and I highly recommend anyone and everyone work with her - no matter what it is you need, your life will be richer for the experience of working together.”
- Claudine Gauchat - Austin Texas

Got a question?


Is this program only for people in intimate relationships?

No, this program is relevant to all kinds of relationships because the principles behind all relationships are exactly the same. If you're here for a romantic relationship this will help you but if it's a parenting relationship or family member, your boss or friend or coworker, this program will transform your relationships in those areas as well.

Can I have a one on one session with you?

Yes you can. I have a special offer for the students of the Relatable program. Further enquiries can be made at any time through my team via email

How long do I have access to the program?

You'll have access to the course materials, live call replays and membership site for 12 months.

You can download and keep - the audio of each course lesson, any summaries, exercises and other resources that are provided.

What if I don't finish the program in six weeks?

No stress, you'll have a whole 12 months to go through the content and revisit the live call replays. There are also audios and PDF's that you can download and keep.

I'm having problems with my teenager, will this program help me?

Aside from having an impervious thick skin, this program is the next best thing for creating greater connection with our kids, especially once they hit adolescence. I'll show you how to handle the inevitable clashes and conflict with far greater ease and calm, to resist the button pressing and feel closer without needing to control and win every battle.

My relationship is going okay, do I really need this program?

One of the beautiful things people realise once they start this program is how much more there is on offer and how much they have been accepting in their relationships. This program will show you have to get more out of every relationship in your life so you can take things to the next level.

So even if things are okay, I guarantee that what you will learn in Relatable will deepen things and take them to a whole new level, easily and naturally.

It is my deepest wish that you get to see how much more there is on offer for you and the people around you. 🙂

I'm really struggling in my relationship but my partner isn't ready to do something like this. Can this program help us if I'm doing it on my own?

Absolutely. This is actually very common and I often work with only one person in a relationship. One person can make a huge difference. This will quickly become apparent as you go through the program.

What time commitment is involved each week?

You'll need a couple of hours each week to go through each module. Each module consists of a one hour live call and 4-5 videos plus a couple of exercises. It's drip fed to you to manage overwhelm, one module per week over six weeks.

Are the live calls recorder?

Yes, each live call will be recorded and uploaded to the membership site afterwards for you to access. I do highly recommend participating in the live calls so you can have your questions answered and get the most out of the program. (Hint: It's often where the magic happens!

Can I get a refund once I've purchased the program?

We offer a 15-day money back guarantee. If after 15 days, you feel the program is not for you, we will happily refund your money no questions asked.
Copyright © 2023 by Fiona Lukeis
All Rights Reserved